Data upgrade

After installing chzip, the ZIP codes and city names are already up-to-date.

This data is updated the 2nd of each month [1]. I recommend you to set up a cron job to never miss one update.

Update automatically using a cronjob

On UNIX, create a script with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import chzip

Make it executable with chmod +x and add this to your cronjobs with crontab -e to update the data every 2nd of the month at 03:04 AM:

# m h dom mon dow command
  4 3 2   *   *   /somewhere/

If you don’t want to create a separate file just for this you can also run it with python -c 'import chzip; chzip.upgrade_all()'


The user running the chzip.ChZip.upgrade_all() method must have permissions to write into the installation folder. If you installed this library with your package manager or using sudo, you will need to be root to do that.


[1]Swiss Post updates are available on the 1st of the month but the data is valid from the 2nd. It makes almost no difference if you get the data one day earlier. By the way, ZIP codes don’t change often, and if that’s the case, the mail will be “redirected” to the appropriate location in the meantime. So, don’t worry!